Foot & Ankle Surgery

Toe Nail surgery

An ingrowing toenail causes discomfort because the edge of the nail is growing into the skin, the the procedure to correct this is not typically complex.

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, meaning you will be awake, with the toe and foot area numbed.

During the procedure, Mr Bajaj will gently lift the edge of the nail that is digging into the skin and carefully cut it away from the surrounding tissue.

If the surrounding skin or tissue around the nail is infected or inflamed, Mr Bajaj may also remove a small area of it, which will optimise headline and prevent the nail growing into the skin again.

It is recommended to avoid wearing tight fitting shoes after the procedure to avoid discomfort. The recovery time is usually short, and you will likely be able to return to normal activities within a few days of the surgery.

Mr Sunil Bajaj
Orthopaedic surgeon
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