Foot & Ankle Surgery

Ankle sports injuries

The ankle is a relatively complex joint that has a number of components that are susceptible to injury. Not all injuries require surgical treatment, and it is advised that patients explore non-surgical treatment approaches before opting for surgery.

Common types of sports ankle injuries include:

Ankle sprains

These occur when the ligaments that connect the bones in the ankle are stretched or torn. This can happen when the ankle is twisted or turned in an awkward position. Ankle sprains can range from mild to severe, and can cause pain, swelling, and abnormal mobility.

Ankle fractures

Ankle fractures occur when one or more of the bones in the ankle are broken. This can happen as a result of a direct blow to the ankle or a fall. Ankle fractures can cause pain, swelling, and bruising, and may require immobilisation or surgery to heal.

Achilles tendon injuries

The Achilles tendon is the large tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. Achilles tendon injuries can occur when the tendon is stretched or torn, and can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

Syndesmotic injuries

Syndesmotic injuries occur when the ligaments that connect the tibia and fibula (the two bones in the lower leg) are stretched or torn. This can happen as a result of a high-impact activity, such as jumping or landing, and can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

High ankle sprains

These occur when ligaments connecting the tibia and fibula (the two bones in the lower leg) are stretched or torn. This can occur if the ankle is forcefully rotated, during a sudden change in direction or a fall. High ankle sprains can cause pain, swelling, and abnormal mobility.

Peroneal tendon injuries

Generally, the function of a muscle is to contract, to move a bone or to stabilise movement. Tendons connect these muscles to bones.

The peroneal muscles run down the outside of the shin, and the peroneal tendons are located on the outside of the ankle. Their function is to stabilise the ankle during movement, and “evert” the ankle joint (tilting the foot so the underside of the foot turns outwards). Peroneal tendon injuries might occur when the tendons are overstretched or ruptured, which can cause pain, swelling and reduced mobility.

Talus fractures

The talus is a bone in the ankle that sits above the heal bone. It helps to transfer weight from the leg to the foot, and allows the ankle to move smoothly in relation to the foot.

Fractures can occur as a result of very forceful, high-impact activity, such as a fall or a jump. Talus fractures can cause pain, swelling, and joint instability.

Surgical treatment for ankle sports injuries will greatly vary depending on the injury that has been sustained. For optimal recovery, it is helpful for you to understand your injury and the treatment approach taken. If you have any questions about your procedure, please don't hesitate to ask!

Mr Sunil Bajaj
Orthopaedic surgeon
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